Saturday, February 16, 2013

Definition of Happiness - What is Happiness?

What really is the definition of happiness? Happiness is a phenomenon that is difficult to measure and thus best experienced by each individual. Therefore you may find varied definitions of happiness but really, what is happiness at least in philosophical terms?
Wordnet defines happiness as a state of well being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy or put in another way, emotions experienced when in a state of well being. Our Wikipedia online tool definition of happiness is somewhat similar. Wikipedia defines it as a state of mind or feeling such as contentment, satisfaction or joy.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, an English poet answers the 'what is happiness' question in a rather fractionated, segmented way, which is so true when you think about it.
He says "The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions. The little soon forgotten charities of a kiss or smile, a kind look, a heartfelt compliment - countless infinitesimals of pleasurable and genial feelings."
Those little pleasures in life certainly do add up and definitely constitute a mass of happiness in the end.
Arielle Essex definition of happiness is somewhat wholesome and engaging. Arielle figures happiness is a true state of mind that you can have anytime, anywhere. Happiness comes from love, wholeness and peace. It is an inner state of being that comes naturally as you become connected with who you really are, your gifts and your purpose.
You may choose to define happiness in psychological or religious terms other than the philosophical approach. Some of the definitions above may strike a chord with you and others won't, depending on where you are in your life right now. If in your opinion, the quality of your life in fairly absolute terms is good, then you could consider yourself a happy person.
There is some evidence that genes may contribute to our overall happiness but as expected other factors such as one's health, income, relationships do affect our level of happiness. Some of the factors are well beyond our control for instance, one's genetic make up, but other factors are within reason open to manipulation by us as individuals.
You can influence your level of happiness by simple activities like exercise which has been proven to increase one's level of well being as it may increase neurotransmitters in the brain responsible for improvement in mood. This apart from the fitness benefits you derive from exercise activities. This is just an example of how one's level of happiness can be altered by simple means.
In answering the question, what is happiness: you could on balance, say happiness is a state of absence of negative emotions or feelings like sadness, pain, anxiety, stress, suffering in one's life.

Definition of Happiness - What is Happiness?
Definition of Happiness - What is Happiness?
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Joseph Amagada is a self help expert. He shares his knowledge and experience on his website where you can get free info on finding happiness and personal growth.

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