Friday, December 21, 2012

Motivation For the UN-Motivated - How to Raise Your Levels of Success, Ambition and Happiness!

If you are anything like myself, you are curious about motivation. You have probably seen people who just reek of success, happiness, and ambition. They might be rich; often it is the smaller things that make the difference. Before I figured out success and happiness, I was one of those unmotivated people that could not figure how to be become motivated. This article is going to give you the step-by-step blueprint for developing your motivation. Consider this your receipt for success.

Before I share with you the blueprint, let's address the most common myths of this subject:

Myth #1: Happiness is a feeling.

Motivation For the UN-Motivated - How to Raise Your Levels of Success, Ambition and Happiness!

Happiness is NOT a feeling. Happiness is a choice, a choice that you have to make every day. Happiness does not come from anything outside of you. It does not come from buying stuff, doing stuff, or anything else. True happiness comes from being grateful for what you have and thankful for what you do have in your life.

Myth #2: Successful people are lucky!

I am sure you have had this conversation. Usually it involves two people talking about someone else who is doing well for him or herself. The subject of what they are doing with their life is brought up and one person says, "Oh, They got lucky!" My response is there is no luck in being successful. There is luck in short-term success. Where someone appears successful for a short period of time, then they fall apart. Know that to be successful you have to earn your success. You have to pay the piper!

Myth #3: Motivation is something you are born with.

Let's face it, some people are motivated and some people are not! This is wrong. Motivation can be developed. But it must start with self-motivation. You have to make the decision one way or another to change your life. It starts with baby steps, small choices that make a difference. Know that motivation comes from within, but it is developed over time.

Here is the blueprint for motivated the unmotivated:

1. Change who you spend the majority of your time with. Your peer group directly relates to your level of motivation in your life. The old saying is true: Birds of a feather flock together! People who share a lot in common like to spend time with together. If you are unhappy the first step is to find a new peer group.

2. Don't think, just work! You have to be prepared to move in new ways. Your emotions follow your motion! If you want to loose weight, DO IT! If you want to make more money, DO IT! Do not waste time in trying to figure something out. Anything you want to accomplish has already been done. You just have to find the ready mentors to show you how.

3. Management your day. I can't tell you how many people spend the majority of their day wasting time! They watch television for hours on end. They go through the motions of life opposed to living life on purpose. They have no goals, no plans, no real map for what they want. They have no set to their sail. Make a plan for what you want. This plan will change constantly, however you have to start by writing down what you want.

Motivation For the UN-Motivated - How to Raise Your Levels of Success, Ambition and Happiness!
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John T.S. Murphy- went from being the kid that most parent wish they NEVER had. To a success story. Graduating College, Owner of Multiple Business, and a Constant Addict for Self Improvement. He has a new book titled "GIVE UP NOW, YOUR A FAILURE!" The book is a how-to guide for people dealing with their Learning Disabilities.

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