Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Professional Makeup Artist, My New Obsession!

My friend thought it would be cool for me to write a little about my life and let the world out there know about me. So here are a few notes about my thoughts and how I became a professional makeup artist and why it became my new obsession. First I would like to ask you something, dear reader. Did you ever get that freaky feeling that the thing you are doing in your life is just wrong? That you are jumping from one idea to another and whatever you start doing just isn't the thing? Or at school, did you ever get the feeling that what you are studying doesn't even interest you that much at all?

I don't know about you, but I had all those feelings combined inside me all my life. I was jumping from one thing to another and I just couldn't find the thing that would be my passion. Earning money for me was boring because I wanted my life to be unique, not just earn money, pay the bills, eat, sleep, go to work again...


Did becoming a professional makeup artist find the right place in my heart, where other jobs couldn't? Absolutely! I will tell you where it started.

Professional Makeup Artist, My New Obsession!

I always liked to watch people. When I was driving by the bus, walking down the street, listening the teacher at school, driving with my car around, I always watched people what they wear, how they look, how they move, how they smile, why someone is sad or why someone is happy. And of course, since I'm a guy, I liked watching girls the most. Girls are the most beautiful beings that exist in our universe, period! And one day it struck me. I want to do something that will make girls look more beautiful and make them happier. So there I got an idea to become a professional makeup artist. Even though I was studying computers, which seemed to promise a good career, I left high school. Nobody understood why I did this. Nobody understood my true passion and that I wanted to do something that really can make me feel whole and great. So I went to makeup class and later with a lot of practice and hard work became a professional makeup artist.

I found out that my new profession is even better than I ever thought it would be. It is such a big challenge because every girl, every face is different. And this challenge totally obsessed me, not to mention the happiness when girls see their new gorgeous looks. My life changed so much since I've become a professional makeup artist. Everything got the meaning in my life now, even the things I used to think that will never have a part in my life are now there. It's such a great feeling to do something from true passion, to feel being able to accomplish just anything and to help others by doing it!

I encourage you to lie down, close your eyes, relax and think for a moment. Are you happy with your life at this moment? Do you really do the things from your passion, and do you love what you do? If the answer is positive, then I am greatly happy for you, keep on the good work! If however you answer is a »no«, I advise you to find your passion!

I found my by becoming a professional makeup artist. My life now is full of energy, motivation and happiness. I encourage you to find your own passion and feel the same as I do. It's worth it! You get obsessed with it and it's totally okay!

Professional Makeup Artist, My New Obsession!

Zoran Gajic, a professional makeup artist that is always happy and ready to help other people, especially with the skin care and makeup related issues. To see my work and find great free tips and advices, please visit my professional makeup artist website at

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