Friday, November 30, 2012

How To Achieve Your Full Potential

If you want to make more of your talents - live up to your full potential - you have to learn to use them. You have the power to change your habits - to acquire new skills and fully use the skills you now have. You can improve your performance, your productivity, and the quality of your whole life.

What makes a high achiever? Is it luck, intelligence, talent, dedication? All of these things figure in - they all make a difference. But we all know intelligent, talented, hard-working people who do not consider themselves very successful or even happy. And we know people who are not exceptionally bright but seem happy and successful.

So there must be something else, some secret to success. Actually there are several secrets to achieving your peak performance - living up to your full potential.

How To Achieve Your Full Potential

Your success at business is largely determined by your own self-image. Your unhappiness is something you choose. So, you're thinking no one chooses to be unhappy. Well, maybe not - but you have to consciously choose to be happy, self-confident, and successful.

Happiness is elusive when we go after it directly. So is self-confidence. Both seem to be more "side-products" than something you can achieve in and for itself. So how, then, can consciously choosing to be these things be of any value? Well, the secret is to focus on other things.

First, focus on your potential. Begin by making a complete and accurate assessment of your potential. To do this you must take an inventory of yourself - you will make a few lists. Sit down and make a list of all the things you can do well. Be honest with yourself. When that list is done, make a list of all the things you like to do, even if you think you can't do them well. Then, make a list of all the things you would like to do, if you could. Now list your hobbies.

Then, go back to the list of things you can do well. You are probably being much too hard on yourself. Most of us are. We have this little voice in our heads telling us things like: "You're so dumb," or "You can't learn to do that," or "You never do anything right," or similar nasty things. And even worse, we listen to that voice as if it's telling us the gospel truth. So now, shut off that voice - you can do it - and add a few more things to the list of things you can do well. Pretend you are your best friend - it's amazing how much more forgiving and charitable we are with our friends than we are with ourselves. Now that you are your best friend, you should be able to add a few more items to your "do well" list. But do be honest - don't list things you feel you really can't do well.

Next, go to your list of things you like to do but you feel you don't do well. Speaking as your own best friend, do you think there are some things on this list that could be moved to your "do well" list? There probably are. If you like to do it, chances are you do pretty well at it. Treat your hobby list in the same manner.

Next, go to your list of things you would like to do if you could. Ask yourself, "Why can't I do this, if I'd like to?" Put your reasons on another list. OK. So you have a lot of lists going - what good is that going to do? Well, you have just made an assessment of yourself. If you have been truly honest in making these lists, it may even be a fairly accurate assessment. Probably it isn't, but that's OK. This assessment isn't carved in stone. It's subject to change. But for now we will work with what's on the lists. At least you have a place to start.

Look over your lists again. You are focusing on all the things you feel you can't do and the reasons why you can't do them, right? Well, don't. FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN DO - FOCUS ON YOUR POTENTIAL. Make it a habit to focus on your strengths. Don't forget to include your undeveloped potential, as well. Train yourself to focus on your potential instead of your limitations.

Now that's not to say that you should ignore your list of reasons for not doing some of the things you would like to do. Not at all! But look at them from the viewpoint of your strengths. For instance, you'd like to play basketball but you think you are too short, so you don't even try. In this case, you are looking at it from the viewpoint of your limitations. Now, when you look at it from the viewpoint of your strengths, you would say, "Well, I may be pretty short to play, BUT I am fast. I can handle the ball well. I have a lot of stamina. I can't change being short, but I can refuse to let my limitations overcome my strengths."

You see the difference? Focusing on your limitations lets those limitations make your decisions for you. Focusing on your strengths lets YOU make the decision. To go back to our example: when you've decided to overcome your height limitations to play basketball - something you really want to do - you will be more determined to develop your strengths to compensate. You will do well, because you will be doing what you really want to do and you will be determined to develop the full potential of your strengths. Very few people concentrate on fully developing any of their strengths. That's where you will have the edge. You know your true disadvantages but your determination, your singleness of purpose, will inspire you to fully develop the talents and skills you do have.

OK. You probably have no interest in playing basketball. Then go to your assessment of yourself. What do you have a major interest in? What do you have a natural aptitude for? Go for it. Devote yourself to something you really like to do. Don't choose something just because you think you could make more money at it than you could by doing something else that you would really rather work at. You won't work to develop your full potential. You may start out with enthusiasm, but you will soon flag. It will be a chore to go to work. You'll probably find yourself hating to go. It'll be difficult to work on improving your skills because you don't like what you are doing. You probably won't be working up to your potential. Your success will probably be limited by your growing lack of interest and your happiness will surely be affected.

If, however, you devote yourself to something you really like to do, you'll enjoy your work, you'll be enthusiastic, and you'll probably find yourself working on improving your skills just for the sheer joy of it. You will be working to reach your full potential. You'll probably soon find you are making more money at this truly interesting occupation than you ever dreamed possible. And because you like what you are doing, you will be happier.

When you know you are working to your full potential and you enjoy your work and begin to feel successful, you will find that self-confidence and happiness soon follow.

But, you must be realistic and honest with yourself. If you set goals that you can't possibly reach, you are setting yourself up for failure. You will make yourself frustrated and unhappy. The key here is a realistic and honest assessment of your potential.

Although most people will be unnecessarily harsh in their assessments, it is easy to become too hopeful when you start breaking down barriers. If, for instance, you're extremely interested in and fond of music and would love to be a singer, it would be unreasonable to set a singing career as your goal if you can't sing a note (some talents are inborn). But if you are knowledgeable about the music business and would be happy being involved in some other capacity, then it would be reasonable to pursue a career in the business.

Be wary of making otherwise perfectly reasonable goals unattainable because of stringent time frames. When you set a goal, you will most likely set times for achieving certain steps along your way to achieving your final goal. Even if you don't set the time frames formally, you will probably have a pretty good idea of how long you are giving yourself. It's wise to sit down and formally set these goals. Think about it and give yourself reasonable time to achieve them. Make a deal with yourself to view these time limits as flexible.

Don't get discouraged if things don't work out as planned. Sometimes finding our place takes both time and error. All of us experience failures of one magnitude or another. The key is to view the failures as a learning experience - if nothing else, failures teach us what not to do. Remain flexible. As long as you keep focusing on your strengths and potential, the right thing will come along - and probably sooner rather than later. But don't quit at the first sign of boredom. Even if you have truly found your niche, you will not feel enthusiastic 100 percent of the time.

Don't worry about others - don't compare your progress with that of others. No matter how successful you are, there will be someone else who, to you, looks like she's got it made - who looks like she's getting where you want to go faster and easier than you are. Maybe she is. Maybe she isn't. Who cares? Focus on your own achievements. Work to develop your skills and talents to their full potential. Compete with yourself - your short term goals should be based on today's accomplishments. If you have reached Point A today, make Point B your next objective - improve yourself and don't worry about the other guy.

OK. You have decided what your ultimate goal is. Make sure it is a definitely defined goal. "Someday I want to be famous" just won't cut it. Define exactly what you want to do. Define a reasonable time frame. Know what you have to do to get there. You don't need to know every little detail, but you do have to have the big picture and many of the details. If you have a goal in mind but don't know what it takes to reach it, then you need to find out. Do some reading, talk to people who know, ask questions and LISTEN to the answers. Think that sounds like a lot of work? Well, remember what you are preparing for - your success and happiness. Surely you want to put a little effort into that! Anyway, a little research into what it will take for you to reach your goals isn't too difficult.

Train yourself into making this "research" the next focus of your life. You will be focusing on your strengths, on your purpose, and on learning and doing. If you have chosen a goal that is right for you, focusing on these things and devoting the necessary time should not be too difficult. It may take a bit of self-discipline at first, but your determination and interest will carry you through until the focusing process becomes a habit. When you have a real desire to accomplish something, initiative should only require an occasional shove - but you may need to give it a nudge now and again.

Get into the habit of visualizing your success. Now sitting around and daydreaming in generalizations about it is not what we mean. You need to visualize specifics. To return to the basketball example, daydreaming about being carried off the court on your teammates' shoulders is just daydreaming. Picturing in your mind how you will work a play if your opponent makes a particular move, picturing your exact response to it, is visualizing specifics. If you run through specific moves in your mind, you will be prepared when the need for those moves arises.

Don't be afraid to use your imagination to visualize new and better ways to accomplish things, as well. Here in your mind, you can try doing things in ways that are different from the usual. This is a creative process - you may have heard of creative thinking. Training yourself to think creatively is largely learning to let your imagination work on methods that are different from the "way things have always been done." It's breaking away from the idea that a thing can be done effectively in only one way. It's looking at a problem from all angles. Just play a game of "what if." Ask yourself, "What if I did this thing this way?" It's OK to get a little crazy sometimes. But, you must also spend some of your thinking time at specific visualizations of the moves you need to make to accomplish your goals.

Visualizations are important but actual physical practice of your skills is important, too. Practice the boring little skills that are necessary as well as the skills that you enjoy. Don't let yourself rely on just the things that come naturally and easy to you. Develop your limited potentials as well as those that you feel are your assets.

Work on developing the more general attributes that are important to almost any goal:

Success comes more easily to those who have a pleasing personality. This is not to say that you should bend to everyone's wishes or scrape and bow. Rather, develop an attitude that is respectful of other's opinions but true to your own beliefs. Be flexible - don't be so rigid that you can't accept another's opinion when it is superior to your own. Be willing, even eager, to learn from others. Changing your opinion in light of more facts is a sign of strength of character, not weakness. Be willing to extend a helpful hand, be a team player. Develop a sense of humor. Be polite and caring - but be your own person.

Learn to guard against emotional responses. You are susceptible to errors of judgement when you let your emotions get in the way. Of course, everything we do is done based somewhat on our emotions, but strong emotions have little place in decision making. Hold your emotions in check. Try to delay decisions if you are in an emotional state. Learn to ignore your emotions and use reasoning to arrive at your decisions.

Develop the habit of enthusiasm. Enthusiasm works like a magnet - it draws people and success. It's a pleasing personality trait that people like to be a part of. It seems to be contagious - the people around you become enthusiastic, too, and become more cooperative. Enthusiasm sparks initiative and singleness of purpose.

We've talked of working to develop habits - the habit of focusing on your goals, the habit of focusing on your strengths, the habit of learning and "researching," the habit of visualizing, the habit of enthusiasm. Now we will talk of habits in a little different light - breaking them. First, assess your habits looking for the ones that may be displeasing to others. Offensive habits can hold you back from success - they are often a part of an unpleasing personality. Look for things like grumbling or grunting at people instead of answering, gazing at anything but the speaker when conversing, smirking or sneering when you don't agree - anything that is an automatic, displeasing mannerism. It will be very difficult to assess your habits accurately. After all, a habit is something that we do without thinking much about it. You will have to spend some time at this and be very conscious of yourself. Ask someone you trust to help you with this assessment. It may take a lot of work to break yourself of displeasing habits. Try substituting a different, more pleasing behavior for the habit you wish to break.

OK. You have set definite goals, you have a definiteness of purpose, you have researched and know the specific steps to take to achieve the goals, you have resolved to be flexible and to develop a more pleasing personality. Now what?

Well, just because you have a clear purpose, know what you want, are willing to work on developing your potential, and willing to be a nice person, success will not drop into your lap overnight.

Be prepared to face people who are not calm and reasonable. Don't let them get to you. Remain calm and reasonable and even be a little sympathetic. Suppose you have an irate customer even though you have done nothing wrong. Just remain calm and offer a solution that will benefit your customer. Never let an irate customer make you forget to be professional.

Play "Let's Make A Deal." Be prepared to deal. Don't expect to get everything you want. If you are willing to gracefully make some concessions, you will be more likely to arrive at a satisfactory deal. After all, a negotiation has at least two opposing sides. This means someone else has something they want, too - even if that something is simply to leave things as they are. Arrive at a compromise that everyone can live with. Remember, you are working at long-range goals, and you may be negotiating with them again.

Developing your potential more fully is a key to happiness and fulfillment. All of us have untapped potential - perhaps even areas of genius - that we have neglected to develop. Whether your concept of success has to do with business, love, friendship, sports, a combination of these or something else, more fully developing your potential will help you achieve your goals. When you achieve your goals you will be a happier person.

Copyright 2005 by DeAnna Spencer

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DeAnna Spencer is a virtual assistant that helps entrepreneurs run a successful business by providing affordable administrative help. She also publishes a blog for small business owners. Visit this small business resource today.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Woman Washes Jesus Feet With Tears - Alabaster Flask of Fragrant Oil Dramatized Story Luke 7:36-50

She was dressed in her most expensive and most treasured gift. Her hair was set up and held in place with clips and fashioned to look exquisite, her skin was gleaming and her whole body smelled like a delight and good enough to eat and still she was nervous.

She sat sipping her wine in the bazaar and the people who knew her paid their respect by bowing their heads and she drank the wine slowly but she could not stop her hands from shaking. Her nerves were shot to pieces, her stomach was in knots and her mind was screaming for her not to go ahead with the meeting but her heart was not letting her off.

He was such an important man and everything that normally gave her power had not worked its spell on him. He was the first red blooded male that had not been swayed by her beauty and had not been made weak at the knees from a glance and a smile from her. Sure he'd smiled at her when she smiled at him, but there was no attraction in his eyes, their was no lust in his gaze, it was pure love she saw in him and a love like her father used to give her in his gaze as a child.

Woman Washes Jesus Feet With Tears - Alabaster Flask of Fragrant Oil Dramatized Story Luke 7:36-50

She'd watched this Rabbi from the moment he'd come to her town. The people were all talking about him and he possessed the power that all of Israel had been waiting for. They were whispering that he was the man that would free them from the slavery and tyranny of the Romans and yet she wasn't a lady that liked to hear second hand news.

From the day she grew breasts to this day she had never met a man who didn't fall weak into the fascination of her and have thoughts of possessing her naked in their own bed chambers and for many years she had used her power over mortals to establish her fortune. These powerful men that bought her time were never powerful enough to resist her charms and for those who couldn't afford her or as in the Pharisees' case their own reputations prevented them from being seen with her, they all still lusted after her and manipulated nearly all men with her charms.

No man had ever broken her since she was a child and no man had fully seen her vulnerable because her power and her intelligence, good humor and her beauty always won the most sincere and devoted husbands heart away from his beloved's even if it was just a glance every time she passed by. She was the bad companion of many men, but no man owned her and no money in the world could buy her and she used men and their wealth and even their sexual prowess simply to feed her own indulgent lifestyle.

She was the secret desire of all men in her town and she was the envy of many women if they could admit it to themselves. Oh the ladies liked to think they would not sell their bodies and many of the devout women in the town would never do that, but few of the women in town didn't secretly wish they could be as beautiful as her.

And now this Rabbi had come to town and stirred the people up. Some of her best clients had felt remorse for their lifestyle and had found the courage to say no to their lusts and many of the women were flocking to him simply to sit at his feet and to listen to him. For quite a number of days the whole town was alive and speaking of him, devoted their spare time and even left their work behind to listen to him preach.

Sure she'd listened to him also. He made a lot of sense and was funny and very intelligent. He had a way of making his points by using common everyday terms and practices and yet there was so much wisdom and depth to what he was saying. Every time she approached and sat at the back there was a commotion and it was the one time in her life when the men looking at her annoyed her and she wished all the eyes of the crowd would get off her and leave her at peace alone at the back to simply listen.

As she listened to a number of his discourses it seemed uncanny how as soon as she had sat and made herself invisible to the commotion she had caused at her arrival and got to a place where she was quite comfortable enough to listen without people looking at her, he would suddenly finish off a story mid sentence and start another story about her. Every time she sat down to listen, this Rabbi started to preach as though he was sitting face to face in a room with only her in it and was preaching what he thought she needed to hear.

The first time she heard him he quoted the prophet Jeremiah and chapter nine and said that a wise man should not take glory in his wisdom and a strong and powerful man should not take glory in his power, nor a rich man should not take glory in his riches, but the only thing a man should take glory in is that he knows his Father in heaven and understands his Father's character.

This sermon was the first one she had heard. He took the time to go through everything she held important. She was one of the most powerful women in the town and he explained that all power is given by God and he can take the power off a person whenever he chooses. He went on to say it does not matter how strong you are and how many people you can control because even if you command an army you can still have your life taken by one battle or one disease you didn't see coming. Then he said all the wealth in the world, while it may buy your fleeting happiness on earth it does you no good in the eternal hell fire of Hades where many rich people end up. Then he talked about how beauty is only skin deep and true beauty is not something that has an outward appearance but rather it is a hidden thing found in the heart and the qualities of a holy women are much more enduring and wholesome then the prettiest girl in the world.

Everything the Rabbi said hit her and cut her like a knife and she could never seem to stay for hours like the others did. She mostly had to get up and leave as she was getting so hurt and cut up by what he was saying that she was going to find herself crying or shouting out at him in anger neither of which she wanted to do in public.

Finally the day had come today where she had decided to approach him and worship him and let him know that he had broken through to her and that she now understood that her whole life was meaningless and could he please somehow say something or do something that could give her hope as her life had lost all it's joy, the power was no more fun, her money disgusted her and even the taste of food and wine had turned bland.

How would he accept her? Would he be harsh and rebuke her for being such an unworthy harlot or would he live up to being that gentle man that she saw playing hide and seek with the children in the marketplace? Was there really a life for a lady like her, could she really one day have purpose and this inner beauty that those holy women she admired had. Could he wash away all her shame and make it clear to the world that there could be new life.

He'd healed lepers and they had come back into new life in community and were accepted by the priests and the people and were considered clean and able to go into the synagogue to worship, and he had healed all sorts of people, even his best followers used to be mere fishermen and not any learned Pharisee, surely this man was into the common folk, but would he accept her and declare to her peers that she was clean and a new creation? She almost vomited a few times on the way to the house where she knew he was. It was a very spiritual and devout man's house and she was going to interrupt him during dinner, but even this man liked the way she looked and like to sneak a peek when he thought she wasn't looking.

Her hands trembled, sweat beaded on her forehead, her legs were jelly as she pulled the curtain back to enter the room and when she entered the Rabbi stopped speaking as did the whole room stopped listening as they looked up to see her in her finest and most expensive dress, with her finest jewelry and looking the very best she could look but being modest in her dress out of respect....and the Bible picks up the rest of the story...

Luke 7:36-50 36Now one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with Him, so He went to the Pharisee's house and reclined at the table. 37When a woman who had lived a sinful life in that town learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee's house, she brought an alabaster jar of perfume, 38and as she stood behind Him at His feet weeping, she began to wet His feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them. 39When the Pharisee who had invited Him saw this, he said to himself, "If this man were a prophet, He would know who is touching Him and what kind of woman she is-that she is a sinner." 40Jesus answered him, "Simon, I have something to tell you." "Tell me, teacher," he said. 41"Two men owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. 42Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he cancelled the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?" 43Simon replied, "I suppose the one who had the bigger debt cancelled." "You have judged correctly," Jesus said. 44Then He turned toward the woman and said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. 45You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. 46You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet. 47Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven-for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little." 48Then Jesus said to her, "Your sins are forgiven." 49The other guests began to say among themselves, "Who is this who even forgives sins?" 50Jesus said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace."

If this lady were to speak today let's imagine what she would say today to us: I left that house and went skipping down the road with my hair down and with tears of joy in my eyes and the next day I spent a whole day at the feet of Jesus and I suddenly wasn't getting cut with every word it's as though every word was food. And speaking of food, food stopped being my idol, my looks became less important to me and knowing the truth of the scriptures and more of Jesus Christ's truth became the biggest priority in my life.

Jesus made me cry a few times more in later years and I sowed quite a lot of my fortune into the early church and was given a role to play in the redemption of many people in my land.

It does not matter what your secret sin is. It does not matter what power your sin has over you and what deficiencies hold you back from walking in the purity and the liberty of full obedience to Jesus Christ. One thing is true, the worse a sinner you are when you meet Jesus, the more you love Him when He accepts you with open arms. I urge you, don't let pride stop you from weeping in your next worship service, take the liberty to fall to your knees in church and weep and confess your sins at your Master's feet. Bring your best oil and anoint the foot of the cross and worship the only man in the world that NEVER lusted after me or any other women. We owe Jesus our whole lives as he freed us from every debt on that cross.

Kneel at church and confess your sins at the altar and ask for prayer and to be anointed and set free and Jesus will meet with you just as sure as He met with me!

Woman Washes Jesus Feet With Tears - Alabaster Flask of Fragrant Oil Dramatized Story Luke 7:36-50
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If you have enjoyed my article you can read the book "The parables of Jesus made simple" for free here in its entirety or just selected parables in chapters at The book will be published in book form in January 2011

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Your Sexual Health - Do You Know How Sexual Abstinence Harms Your Health and Happiness?

Doctors tell us that sexual abstinence can harm the physical and psychic health of men and women. Find out how you can reverse the harmful side effects of abstinence with or without a sexual partner.

How can sexual abstinence harm your health?

You may be grieving the loss of your romantic partner or a loss of sexual intimacy in a relationship, and the process of grieving takes a huge toll on your health. When your thoughts turn to loss and dis-ease, you lose the health benefits of feeling love and gratitude -- our two healing emotions.

Your Sexual Health - Do You Know How Sexual Abstinence Harms Your Health and Happiness?

You may feel content on your own without a sexual partner, yet the lack of sexual activity takes its health toll.

Men and women who abstain from sex for long periods can develop problems with sexual function.

Men may experience issues concerning erection and ejaculation. Testosterone levels may fall and reduce desire.

Women may suffer a loss of arousal, vaginal lubrication and an inability to climax. Estrogen levels may fall and bad cholesterol may rise.

Fortunately, these conditions may reverse and return to normal after you resume sexual activity.

Men and women who abstain from sex miss out on these health benefits of sexual activity:

- ease in handling stress
- speedy cell repair and regeneration
- increased intimacy hormones that elevate mood
- greater blood flow to brain that improves memory
- stronger immune system and less fatigue or illness
- younger skin and less body fat from human growth hormone produced during sex
- extended longevity

If you don't have a sexual partner, is there another way to gain these health benefits?

Researchers report that our sexual health must be maintained by a regular and active sex life.

If you don't have a sexual partner, there are several ways to avoid or reverse the side effects of sexual abstinence:

* Substitute sex with masturbation

- Men often masturbate, even when their sex life is in order.
- Many women do not masturbate, even when deprived of sex.
- Some religions view it as a sin.
- Sexual researchers report that masturbation is one way to maintain sexual and psychic health. Here is another:

* Use sex toys

- They are used by adults who cannot make love with a beloved partner, yet they don't want to sleep around.
- There are vibrators, realistic dolls, dildos that are safe tools for sexual release.
- Unlike casual sex with a partner, the sex toys cannot expose you to STDs.
- They stimulate the health benefits of an active sex life.

* Develop sexual intimacy in a relationship

- Improve your existing relationship so that you revive the spark of sexual fire for an active, healthy sex life.
- Find a compatible match for a loving, passionate relationship through matchmaking services or online dating sites.
- Health studies confirm that you will age better and live a happier, healthier life when you enjoy an active sex life.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Happiness - 15 Easy Ways to Feel Happy and Fulfilled Today and Every Day!

Happiness is our birthright. When we see a small baby we instinctively squeal with delight at his or her first smile. Our natural human instinct is to lean is towards happiness, but as time passes and life's experiences unfold, we can sometimes lose our mojo. When that happens it can be hard to retain our sense of perspective and we can fall into the habit of negative thinking. Maybe money's tight, or your relationship has ended, or you had a row with your best friend.

No matter what has happened to wipe that smile off your face, you must try to do whatever you can to define in a healthy, life affirming way, what happiness means to you. And I don't mean eating another bar of chocolate or having another plate of macaroni cheese!

Here's 15 steps to happiness you can start on today that will bring a smile to your face, if not get you laughing out loud!

Happiness - 15 Easy Ways to Feel Happy and Fulfilled Today and Every Day!

1. Avoid negative people. I don't really need to expand on this one too much do I? You know who they are, and you know how they make you feel, and you know you need to avoid them. If you can't avoid them altogether then at least keep them at arms length, and minimise your contact with them. Stick with the positive ones.

2. Stand in front of a mirror, look into your eyes and smile. Tell yourself how wonderful you are and that you deserve to be happy. Do this a few times a day, even if it feels silly. This works wonders to lift your spirits!

3. Avoid wearing black clothes, and inject some colour into your wardrobe. We tend to wear black when we want to make ourselves invisible and blend in with the walls (unless you're a vampire or Count Dracula?) No but really, wearing brighter colours will cheer you up. Get some pinks to feel more feminine, blue to feel calm and orange to get that spark of creativity flowing!

4. Do some exercise and get some air into those lungs! We all know that regular activity benefits us enormously, both mentally and physically, even if it's just for 20 minutes a day. So take a brisk walk, run up and down your stairs a few times, do star jumps during the commercial breaks when you're watching TV. This will ensure you feel more energised and help you stay trim and fit, which will in turn have a knock-on positive effect on your mood.

5. Put on music that makes you happy, or with lyrics that cheer you up. Try Bach's Brandenburg Concerto's or Mozart's Ein Kleine Nachtmusik. If you prefer mainstream music then try Jimmy Cliff "I Can See Clearly Now" or Michael Jackson "The Way You Make Me Feel", "My Love" by Justin Timberlake or even Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" to name but a few. Anything that's definitely going to put a smile on your face.

6. Watch comedy shows, funny movies or go to a comedy night with your friends. Happiness is the aim here and what could be better than laughing?

7. Decide to be happy. Habits are formed very easily and if we simply decide to be happy then it will become a habit. Aristotle said "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit."

8. Say yes to your dreams. All too often we want a better lifestyle, or a more fulfilling relationship, or a slimmer body, but we look at what we have now,which may be a far cry from the ideal life of our dreams, and in our frustration we kill the dream off before it's even started to develop. Instead, let the seed of the dream take root, and you will find that in a very short time, things will start happening that will help turn that dream a reality. You might meet someone wonderful, or you might get a great new job offer, and this will happen simply because you said yes to your dreams and allowed them to unfold.

9. Fake it till you make it! This is one of my personal favourites. It doesn't mean if I act like a billionaire then I'm necessarily going to become one, but it does mean that my confidence is boosted, I'll stand taller and feel elevated. All of these are going to make me feel happier, and I'll give off a happier vibe, and as a result I'll attract positive experiences and positive people. Cultivate an internal dialogue that's always geared towards happiness.

10. Smile! This is one of the best and most effective happiness tips I can give you. Try it now!

11. Bloom where you're planted. 3 years ago, I had to move 200 miles away from my friends, my parents and my partner, and I hated it. My entire support network was gone overnight. I did everything I could to avoid putting roots down in my new home. I kept telling myself it was a temporary move, and that I'd be back before I knew it. And as might be expected, I got more and more miserable. So I decided to heed my own advice, and try to make the best of it. I joined a gym, I started to socialise more, made lots of new friends and now I know that wherever I find myself geographically, I can be happy mentally. And I am!

12. See the silver lining, because every cloud has one. If a relationship has ended, consider the reasons it's ended and be glad because now you can attract the person who is more suited to you - someone who wants to be with you, rather than the person who was happier with his friends. Someone who can't wait to spend the rest of his life with you, rather than the person who hesitates or runs in the opposite direction when togetherness is mentioned. When you're sick and your body isn't as healthy as it was, use the time convalescing to review your lifestyle, your diet, and fitness routine. This will give you a renewed focus and allow your body to heal from a mentally positive perspective.

13. Believe and have faith in a Higher Power, whether that's God, Allah, the Jedi Master or The Universal Great Lord, and trust that your happiness matters to that Higher Power. This will enhance your sense of value, as well as renewing your confidence and allowing you to relax into a happier frame of mind. Someone else has got your back, and you're always safe.

14. Contribute to the community and help others in an area that means something to you. Run the marathon for charity or volunteer at a local charity shop. The beneficial attributes here are self explanatory.

15. Remember tomorrow is another day! You get another chance to do it all over again, and the best part is you can improve on what you did today, tweak a few things here and there, and relax - it's never going to be perfect. But you've done your best, and that's all you ever need to do.

This article was originally entitled "10 Tips To Make You Happy Today" but the more I wrote, the more things I found that make me happy, and the same will happen for you too. Look for reasons to be happy and you'll find them. See, there's number 16! How many tips for happiness can you think of?

Disclaimer: Please seek advice from a healthcare professional if you are experiencing extreme bouts of unhappiness or depression. The writer cannot take responsibility for any reliance that is placed on the contents of this article, without the reader doing their own research to accompany it.

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I am Mumtaz Hussain and I believe passionately that every man, woman and child always deserves to feel fantastic about themselves. I'm a single mum of two and I've successfully created a fabulous life for myself and my children. Find out more about me and get your free gift at

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Happiness According to Aristotle and Immanuel Kant

We are taught at a very young age that we are to seek out happiness, yet no one really knows what that is. When you are a child, happiness could be found by playing with toys, and schoolmates. When we are children, our concept of happiness is minimal. As years passed, our concept of happiness becomes much more expansive. We are schooled to think that if we succeed at something, whether it is at a career, college or in relationships, we are seeking to be happy. Some people seek out happiness through religion, or a spiritual leader, "Whoso trusteth in the Lord is happy" (Proverbs 4:7). It seems that everyone has their own idea as to what makes them happy. It becomes ingrained in us that seeking happiness is the point of our existence. To find happiness, then we will be living a complete life. What makes happiness, or better yet, where happiness exists is a question that has been pondered by many great thinkers. Aristotle and Immanuel Kant had quite a bit to say on the subject. Both of these well-known philosophers have a road map, if you will, to happiness. Yet, their theories differ ultimately in how to go about attaining happiness.

Aristotle wrote that we choose happiness always for itself, and never for the sake of something else. He believed happiness to be the end, and it is self-sufficient. It is the end at which all-virtuous actions aim. It must be some good, or set of goods that in itself makes it worth living. There are two features Aristotle believes must be present in the notion of happiness. One is that it must be an end rather than a means. For example, I find out that by being cheerful I make money, so I go about making money by having a cheerful disposition. Ultimately, my aim is to make money, so according to Aristotle, my happiness is to be found in riches. Because I found out that by being cheerful (which is not the same as being happy) I could make money, I adopt the attitude that by being cheerful I can attain riches. Aristotle disagrees with that because my ultimate goal it to get riches, it is not to be happy.

The second is that happiness is self sufficient in itself. It is to be sought only for itself, and not for the sake of anything else. Aristotle specifically mentions the life of gratification (pleasure, comfort, etc.), the life of moneymaking, the life of political action, and the philosophical life, i.e., the life of contemplation or study. He has no patience with the life of moneymaking or the life of gratification. Yet, Aristotle does agree that living a life of comfort is pleasurable.

Happiness According to Aristotle and Immanuel Kant

He also writes that it is only through the virtues that happiness can ever be experienced. Virtues are habits of the soul by which one acts well, i.e. for the sake of what is fine and noble. As Aristotle puts it, virtuous actions express correct (right) reason. They are acquired through practice and habituation. One becomes virtuous by acting virtuously, i.e. by acting as the virtuous person acts, doing what one should when one should and in the way, one should. The virtuous person comes to take pleasure in acting virtuously (hence, one sign that we have not acquired a certain virtue is that when we perform actions of the sort associated with that virtue; we do not take pleasure in those actions but instead find them burdensome). Similarly, one becomes deficient by allowing certain defective ways of acting to become habitual. A person can acquire bad, as well as good habits. Virtue is difficult to attain, since if we simply follow our inclinations, we fail to realize our potential. Even though we have a natural desire for happiness, our inborn inclinations often lead us away from our true happiness. Some never achieve virtuous activity, and only pursue what immediately feels good. Self-gratification should not be the direct target of our actions. It is impossible to attain happiness without pursuing what is good and true. Intellectual and moral virtues are necessary, and must be habitual. There are rules about what is virtuous and what is not. Everyone is capable of being virtuous, yet not everyone will be. Human beings are capable of learning, and through many years of careful study, a virtuous being can reach a complete and whole life.

A person is not born virtuous, although at the time of birth, a person is born with the senses. It is not until many years of learning, that a human learns how to utilize these senses. It is important to note, that it takes time to learn, and mature to be able to develop virtue. For example, a child because of its young age has not experienced the necessary needed lessons that life teaches to be virtuous.

Aristotle wrote that a life of pleasure, a life of politics, and a life of study were essential to a complete and whole life. Living a complete life involves these goals. Living your goals in accordance with virtue is how to attain happiness. In other words, we have a responsibility to do what is worth doing, as well as doing what we are good at doing. This will lead to the supreme good, which is the end, which is happiness. For example, the pursuit of wealth was ruled out because money is only as good as to what it can buy. It is how someone spends their money that shows us where they really think happiness lies. Is it on luxury, or to gain political power, or perhaps on spending it on the less fortunate? Those are what determine if a person is on the right road towards happiness.

According to Immanuel Kant, the road map towards happiness is not as black and white. Kant thought that the means to happiness could not be clearly known. Kant believed there was too much ambiguity in defining personal happiness, thus making it unsuitable as a basis for morality. Kant holds that the pursuit of a person's own happiness or interest is of no moral worth whatsoever. Kant insists that we can never determine whether an action is good or right by considering its effects on one's happiness. He thought that a human is incapable of reasoning happiness to its principle. Happiness is indefinite, and although everyone wishes for happiness, he/she can never really know his/her true wishes and wills. Instead of searching for happiness, he found that the moral law constructed by reason is what a person should be seeking. Kant believes this to be the categorical imperative. The categorical imperative is any statement of moral obligation, which I make the principle of my action (my "maxim" in Kant vocabulary). The categorical imperative refers to the principle that all principles of our action (maxims) could consistently become universal laws.

Happiness is both too indefinite, and to empirical to serve as grounds for moral obligation. No two people share the exact same tastes. Nor does everyone share the same interests and goals. Simply, what makes one person happy does not necessarily make another person happy. Everyone's experiences are different; experience is necessary to attain happiness. In other words, I cannot know that something will make me happy by just thinking of it. Kant says that it is not possible to know a priori before an action whether it really will be conducive to our own happiness. The desire for our own happiness cannot serve as a motivator to determine our will to do this or that action. Our own desire to be happy cannot be completely known. Happiness is not good without qualification. According to Kant, the only thing that is good without qualification is a good will.

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Roxanne Tracy is a freelance writer covering many different topics. She is a Social Worker who runs a donation program for a foster care agency.

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Language of Gratitude Keeps You on Speaking Terms With Happiness

If you've forgotten the language of gratitude, you'll never be on speaking terms with happiness. - Unknown

In Marci Shimoff's book, "Happy for No Reason" she tells the story of a woman who had gone through a painful divorce, was dealing with the death of her mother, and because of financial circumstances was forced to move in with her elderly father. The two of them were about "as glum as two people could be." Hearing about the power of gratitude from some friends, they decided to give it a try by expressing three things that they were grateful for in the morning before the daughter left for work. The first day was very difficult and she was having a hard time figuring out anything for which she could be grateful. Finally, the only thing that she found to be grateful for was a pretty vase that they had in the house. It was all she could muster.

As time went on, the practice became easier and easier. Eventually she and her father had to stop before they were both done or she would be late for work. The added the singing of "Oh What a Beautiful Morning" to their repertoire and their mornings were soon filled with joy.

The Language of Gratitude Keeps You on Speaking Terms With Happiness

Think about the first time you worked out lifting weights. Maybe you started with a five-pound weight and you were stunned at how 'heavy' it was. However, as you consistently added weightlifting to your workout regime, you found that that five pound weight soon became too light. You then progressed to a ten pound, then twenty pound and maybe even up to fifty-pounds (ok, maybe not.) The point is, the more you practiced, the stronger you became.

Just like working out, gratitude is a PRACTICE. When you first decide to incorporate a gratitude practice, you might find that your muscles are "wimpy, wimpy, wimpy" (remember the old trash bag commercial?) You have to really struggle just to come up with three things for which you can express thanks.

However, when you consistently practice the art of appreciation, you gratitude muscle will strengthen and will become "hefty, hefty, hefty" (same commercial).

Repetition strengthens us. You will find that when you develop the habit of thankfulness, no matter what happens, you will be able to find a way to be grateful for it. Your perspective will shift and it becomes easier to see the glass as 'half-full.' There may be days that the only thing you can find to be grateful for is a pretty vase in the house. Start with when you can, with what you have, where you are. Once you get started, you'll get into a groove, and the gratitude will flow.

Start your gratitude list today by writing down a list of EVERYTHING for which you are grateful. You may want to set the a timer for a certain period and write. The first items will come quickly. Continue to write, without stopping or thinking about what you're writing. You'll develop a list on which some things that came up may surprise you. Put this list in a place where you can access it on the days you really need it. Add to the list as often as you can. This is a project that you can work on as long as you choose - and as your gratitude muscle grows stronger, so will you.

Have fun,


Did you get to 50? 100? 1000? Wow, you ROCK!

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Lisa Ryan is the Chief Appreciation Strategist with Grategy. She is the author of "The Upside of Down Times: Discovering the Power of Gratitude" and she is featured in the documentary, "The Keeper of the Keys" with Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, and John Gray.

Learn more about Lisa Ryan at

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Happiness: Learn the Secret to Feeling Happy Every Day

Happiness is easy when you learn the secret to adding happy moments to every day of your life. You don't have to wait for happiness. You can have it right now, today!

If you have ever found yourself at home thinking about what you need to do at work, or at work thinking about things happening in your personal life, you know how distracting and stressful that can be. It doesn't create a lot of happiness. So... what is the secret to Feeling Happy no matter what you are doing?

Here's the answer...

Happiness: Learn the Secret to Feeling Happy Every Day

You can be happy every day when you learn to - Live in the Moment-. Living in the moment means you are totally immersed in an experience. You can relate to this when you think of the special times in your life.

Every Life Has Some Magical Moments - What Are Yours?

Think back on the events in your life that you vividly remember. Those are the events where you were -living in the moment-. Even though years have passed, you can still remember all the details.

My Wedding Day
Although many years have passed since my wedding day, and I can still picture myself as a young bride dressed in a beautiful white gown. I can still hear our "special song" and feel the immense joy I felt then as I walked down the aisle toward my soon-to-be husband.

The Day I Conquered the Mountain
I vividly remember my first ski trip when, after taking my first chairlift ride up the mountain, I didn't know how I would ever get down. I was terrified! As I slowly skied down the slope with my instructor, I was so frightened I was shaking, but I was also experiencing the thrill of the moment. I will always remember the incredible feeling I experienced as I finally reached the bottom - conquering my first ski slope.

Most Days Have Ordinary Moments
Living in the moment is easy during special times in your life. However, most days don't contain special events, and unless you learn to live in the moment, worry, fear, resentments or other distractions will rob you of your happiness.
Wayne Dyer in his many books talks about the compulsion some people have of always wanting more before they can be happy - more money, a better house, a fancier car, a better spouse, etc. Those people never get to a place of arriving - or enjoying the moment.

Ten Easy Ways to Practice - Living in the Moment

Living in the moment takes practice because you are used to being distracted. Make a special effort to consciously practice being totally immersed in what you are doing for some time every day. When distracting thoughts enter your mind, simply refocus on what you are doing. Here are some ideas to get you started.

1. Take a Bubble Bath
Play some soft music. Relax and feel the warmth of the water. Just think of how you are enjoying the moment.

2. Drive a Different Route to Work
Get off the highway, and take the city streets to work. As you drive, notice the trees and houses as you pass through different neighborhoods. Going a different way will also help you concentrate on your surroundings.

3. Eat a Gourmet Meal
Set aside money for your special dinner so that you won't feel guilty about spending the money. You will experience living in the moment as you enjoy the total experience of the atmosphere, the service, the people you are with, and the delicious food.

4. Play a Sport
For example, when you play tennis, you have to concentrate and be aware of everything that is happening at the moment. There isn't time to lament over the last shot because another one is coming right back at you.

5. Dance to Your Favorite Music
You will become immersed in the music as your body moves to it, and you will begin to feel vibrant and alive.

6. Play a Card Game
When you play games such as bridge or poker, you have to concentrate or you risk losing the game.

7. Take up a Creative Hobby
Painting, woodwork, or crafts will absorb all your attention as you focus on your creation.

8. Take a Vacation
Vacations are rejuvenating and energizing because you are physically away from the day-to-day cares of living and totally immersed in sight seeing or other vacation activities.

9. Look at the Funny Side of Life
Notice how people who are always preoccupied with worry, resentment or other things don't usually have a sense of humor. Having a sense of humor requires living in the moment because you have to look all around for the funny things that are happening.

10. Keep a Journal
At the end of each day, write about the moments when you were totally present. Every week review your journal. Doing this, will encourage you to concentrate on what you are doing.
By practicing the secret of -living in the moment- a little more every day, you will develop a habit that will add meaning, vitality, and yes, that elusive feeling of happiness, to every day of your life.

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How happy you at work? Visit for your free employee morale assessment... While you are there, get an Employee Morale Calendar Planner and Employee Morale Tips newsletter featuring creative, low-cost employee morale boosters.

You may also visit for a free confidence quiz -- and tips on how to build your self-confidence.

Copyright: Harriet Meyerson, founder of The Confidence Center.

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