Thursday, June 28, 2012

How Does Color Affect Your Mood?

Color is everywhere and for the most part we don't even think about it.

But how does color affect your mood when the room is a nice soft green? Are you agitated? Does it promote a calming effect and make you feel relaxed?


How about a beautiful landscape photograph or painting with many shades of green? How does that make you feel? Green symbolizes nature. It is a refreshing color that can revitalize and make you feel healthy.

How Does Color Affect Your Mood?

Many hospital rooms feature green as their primary color. It is relaxing and very restful on the eyes.

You can also be green with envy or jealousy.

It can be the color of spring, new growth and vigor. Then again it can convey inexperience and misfortune. It all depends on how you decide to use it.

Green can actually lower one's heart rate and blood pressure. It is the most relaxing color.

Let's check out a few other colors and see what they can mean psychologically to the viewer.

Red is considered to be an intense and emotional color. It certainly attracts attention. Remember that green landscape? What happens when you see that field filled with bright, red, Indian Paintbrush wildflowers? Attracts your attention doesn't it?

Red is mostly used as an accent color just for that purpose. Its fiery feelings can promote power, aggression, blood and war.

It can also be a color of love, desire and passion. Rather ironic but it shows how things can change depending upon how you use it.

Varying shades of red like pink tends to promote a more tranquil energy field.

Blue is the peaceful color of the open sky and the oceans. It produces calming, tranquil feelings within the body. To many people it is their favorite color.

Winter scenes are cold and can even feel depressing at times. Shadows in the snow are very blue even on sunny days. Remember those winter photographs in your album, all cast in blue?

People who work in blue rooms are more productive than rooms of any other color. In Feng Shui it is an energy color promoting harmony and good Chi.

Blue is also a color of loyalty, stability and dependability. A good thing to remember for business meetings for both the clothes you wear and the room itself. If you want to convey a conservative feeling, try blue.

How about a bright yellow Sunflower how does that make you feel, joyful and hopeful? Do warm sunny images bring happiness to your thoughts?

Yellow can be used to enhance your concentration and imagination. We use yellow legal pads for business and schoolwork. Wonder why they are yellow?

Sometimes yellow is used to mean cowardice or the feeling of being dishonest. People who run from a battle or war are thought to be a coward.

Yellow flashing lights mean a hazard is ahead, be cautious.

It can be used to speed up your metabolism and even though it is an optimistic color more people will loose their temper in a yellow room. It might be a good suggestion to paint your meeting room a nice blue tone.

This attention getting color is capable of enhancing many different moods.

What do you think of the color white? Do images of peace, innocence, maybe snow or perhaps a peaceful setting?

In Western culture white is used at weddings to symbolize reverence and purity.

It is a very neutral color that goes with just about everything. Hospitals use white for the symbolism of cleanliness and to convey a sterile setting.

Does black denote evil, anger, death and sadness in your thoughts and emotions? Black is a strong powerful hue that denotes authority and power yet it also implies submission. It all depends how it is used.

Black is a popular fashion color because it makes the wearer appear thinner to the viewer.

So as you can see color is a form of non-verbal communication. Our minds perceive their meanings in how we wear clothing, design web sites and advertising or paint our homes.

We can mix and match varying hues establishing brightness and intensity giving many different kinds of physical and psychological reactions. Understanding color helps us to communicate, giving visual vibrations that push objects forward for attention or reduces them to the background.

It is all about perception and how we use them to describe our thoughts and express our feelings.

How Does Color Affect Your Mood?

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Power of Persistence

I went recently to see the movie 'The Pursuit of Happiness'; if you haven't seen it, please go, it is great. It could be the story of so many of us and it is about some of the most important qualities we need in order to succeed and be happy.

It begins with a dream...well it is a dream we all be happy...a good life...but for some people, maybe someone you know, maybe you, it seems that things do not really work out, and difficulties keep coming up.
Maybe you have experienced a difficult beginning in life, and you feel this is still preventing you from being the best you can be, and you feel disadvantaged, scarred. Or maybe you have experienced in the course of your life pain, redundancy, loss, separation, or else, and you feel that your energy is depleted.


And what happens to many of us after a while that we keep 'struggling', the mind might begin to become negative and there might be the temptation to give in to difficulties. And maybe we start looking at other people, at people who are happier or more successful than us and we feel envious, but this does not help.

The Power of Persistence

What helps instead is looking for successful people who have beaten the odds, who have overcome maybe the same past, maybe the same problems, and achieved what you want to achieve, and learn from them, because if you apply to your life, remaining true to yourself, what they have done, you will get where they are and have what they have, happiness and success. It is simply a question of learning their strategies.

And one of the qualities you will see in all of these people, and you will see also in the movie, is the tenacity, the determination, the persistence to never ever give up, no matter what, and to keep following your dreams.

So, once you know your dreams, once you know what you really want, just go for it, and never ever give it up. Be prepared to put in a lot of effort, because that is the price you need to pay at the beginning for having it all. And once you have made a start everything will become much easier.

Another very important thing you need to do is have faith.

There is such an extraordinary power within you that wants the very best for you; that wants you to be well and be happy; that wants you to have in your life all the love you desire and deserve; that wants you to be successful; that wants you to create and live the life of your dreams.

And once you know what this power is, you will be able to heal yourself, to create, attract and manifest in your life anything that you truly want. But you need to know how to use it properly, because otherwise it simply creates what you do not want.

And then you will see that actually what you thought of as disadvantages, the difficulties in your life, have become your advantage, because they have enabled you to be the best you can be; they have enabled you to achieve what some people only dream of.

But in order to get there, you need never ever to give up. You need to keep going even when the going gets tough, because you are made of strong stuff.

I know you are certainly not a quitter, you are a winner, and I have the certainty you will be able to create and achieve whatever it is that you truly want. It is just a question of learning how the Laws of the Universe really work and you are already there.

And you are going to make of your life a true masterpiece that reflects who you really are.

The Power of Persistence

Piercarla Garusi is a Life Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, Hypnotic Practitioner, Director of PG Coaching Ltd. She is passionate about helping you be well, connect with your soul, be the extraordinary person you truly are, develop your spirituality and create a life that makes you truly happy. She also runs workshops on the above topics. For more information please visit:,

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Friday, June 22, 2012

Google Sets The Standard For A Happy Work Environment

Google is the place to work according to Fortune magazine, which listed the top 50 companies to work for. Google appears as a top contender for most features, including unusual perks, cafeterias, health cover and work environment. Most of the other companies that made the top 50 only excel in one or two areas. This is the second year in a row that Google has managed to capture the number one position on Fortune's company assessment.

Standard perks that Google offers include 100% health care coverage and onsite childcare facilities. In addition, new moms are entitled to 18 weeks of paid maternity leave while dads get 7 weeks. Some perks that aren't quite standard include 17 cafeterias that offer free food to all employees.


The rule at Google is that no staff member should ever be further away than 100 feet from a source of food. That doesn't mean that they only have access to vending machines with junk food, or that the cafeterias give out quick, easy and grease-laden meals. Chefs of the highest calibre prepare range of meals, with unique variations on everyday meals. Macaroni and cheese, for instance, comes with wild mushrooms and truffles.

Google Sets The Standard For A Happy Work Environment

They also have a keen interest in environmental conservation and have a department dedicated to researching "green" technologies. Google makes every effort to be as energy efficient as possible, which is a mind-set that is encouraged in their employees. In the spirit of energy conservation, they subsidise staff members who buy hybrid or electric cars to the tune of 00. Employees based in California are entitled to special discounts if they install solar panels in their homes.

Google is also fairly unique in that they have a policy that allows ardent animal lovers to bring their cherished pets to work. The obvious proviso is that the various dogs, cats, and assorted others must be reasonably well behaved and house trained. It's been reported in The Inquirer, UK, that the pet's policy is under revision, after a pet python that was not very well behaved created chaos and terror in the New York branch.

Bingham McCutchen only made it to 41 on the list, but is the number one firm when it comes to high pay packages. The law firm is known for hiring promising law school graduates at a whopping 0, 000 a year. Their legal secretaries, whose importance is often overlooked by other firms, earn an average of ,000 a year. This is higher than what some managers of other companies' earn. The average salary for staff at Bingham McCutchen is a staggering 1, 017 per year.

The eBay San Jose campuses have special de-stressing areas for employees in need of some serenity and relaxation. Rooms with comfortable pillows and tatami floor mats are ideal for midday prayer and meditation, so that staff can return to their tasks refreshed and revitalised.

Camden Property Trust gives a 20% discount to employees who live in the company's apartment complexes. Staff members going on holiday are also able to use fully furnished apartments for only a night.

Nike is one of the most socially conscious businesses to work for, as those employed in the Portland office volunteer as Portland Mountain Rescuers. They respond to emergencies at a moment's notice, no matter what they are doing or how important it is. When prospective employees are interviewed and warned about the possibility of having their work interrupted by mountain searches, the standard response is, "what's more important, saving lives or selling shoes?"

The one thing that all of the businesses on the top 50 list have in common is that they all realise that a company is only as good as its employees, and so go out of their way to ensure staff happiness and contentment. Staff turnover is low, while job satisfaction is high. Who wouldn't want to work for a company that rents an entire movie theatre for a day so that their staff can see a blockbuster movie on its release date?

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Google Sets The Standard For A Happy Work Environment

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Best Marriage Wishes

Sending marriage wishes to people can be difficult if you are not good with words. However, you can complete the task with the help of wishes in form of quotes and sayings. You can even express your happiness and love to the newly united couple with the help of special quotes. Marriage is union of two souls that expresses their deep love for each other. The selected wishes makes the couple feel special and also makes them realize that this is the beginning of a new life.

The marriage wishes not only are a way of expressing your feelings for a couple that is getting married but also inspire them to live a life filled with happiness and love. if you are looking for good marriage wishes for a couple then it is a smart way to spend some time on the internet and local book store. You can find loads of marriage greetings on the internet and few of them would suit your requirements and will convey your true feelings.


If you are a close friend of the couple and have seen them going through ups and downs of their relationship then you can make a scrapbook for them with their pictures on different occasions with marriage wishes on each picture. This can be a unique gift for your friends. You can also write good wishes and quotes on a poster with a frame.

Best Marriage Wishes

Some of the best marriage wishes that you can make use of are mentioned here:

Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along. - Rumi

There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. - George Sand

The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved. - Victor Hugo

Best Marriage Wishes

If you are looking for more information then feel free to visit Beach Sayings and Marriage Wishes

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Staying in a Loveless Marriage - Tips and Advice That May Help

I get a lot of emails from folks who describe a "loveless marriage" and ask for ways to stay in or cope with it. I find that people have different definitions and perceptions of this type of marriage and of what it lacks. By "loveless" some people actually mean "sexless," but others mean that this type of marriage lacks intimacy and closeness. There may well be intercourse or sex, but the emotional closeness that typically exists between married couples is just not there for whatever reason on the part of at least one of the parties. Typically, one or both are just "going through the motions" without much emotion behind it.

Sometimes people chose to stay in a loveless marriage because they have children and they don't want to put the children through a divorce. Other times, financial burdens or limitations keep you from breaking away. Still other times, you are firm in your commitment to your marriage. You believe that marriage is forever and you, quite admirably, don't want to take the easy way out. There are ways to cope with these types of marriages, and I'll offer some tips toward that end. But, I also firmly believe that you don't have to live this way. You can turn a marriage without love completely around with a little bit of effort, openness, and patience. I'll discuss this more in the following article.


Don't Define Your Marriage Based On Others' Expectations: First off, I hate the phrase "loveless marriage." Because this almost implies that there never was any love between the spouses or that there never will be. This is very limiting and this perception doesn't do anything to help your cause. It's far more favorable to accept that your marriage is going through a rough patch right now which is manifesting itself as a lack of intimacy. But, that doesn't mean that you can't manufacture or reignite these feelings. Don't allow yourself to make these types of assumptions because if you do, this becomes your road map and this is a very faulty one that won't lead you anywhere that you really want to go.

Staying in a Loveless Marriage - Tips and Advice That May Help

Also, don't worry so much about what others think or expect. Your marriage isn't really anyone's business but your own, but the media would have us think that if we aren't all over each other all of the time, there is something wrong with us. With that said, most married couples do have a bond and a commitment that binds them which is based on shared feelings of intimacy, closeness, and understanding. If you lack any of these components, this doesn't mean that there is something wrong with your or that you can't get them back. It just means that you have some work to do. Vow to close out the outside world and not to worry about other's expectations of what should make you happy in your marriage. Only you and your spouse can decide that. Don't let others make you feel that you are lacking or that you should do something else to please anyone but yourself. Define what you and your spouse need to be happy and to feel connected and concentrate only on that.

Why You (And Your Family) Deserve So Much More Than A Loveless Marriage: Many people stay in this type of marriage because they think that it's the best thing for the kids or because they "don't want to hurt anyone." But, if you think that your children or your spouse don't catch onto the fact that something is lacking, you're probably mistaken. Children are very perceptive, and parents who aren't affectionate or closely bonded are modeling the type of marriage that your children may well grow up and have. Counselors are very fond of saying that the greatest gift that you can give your child (and to yourself) are two parents who are happy and who love each other. This sounds cliche, but I believe it to be completely accurate.

You and your spouse are modeling how to live, interact, and connect for your children. They will grow up and know no other way than what you are showing them. They may well sense or even witness that your household isn't like others, but it's more likely than not that they'll live (at least on some levels) similarly to you. At the very least, they will have been affected by growing up in a home that lacks laughter and love.

I'm not telling you this to make you feel guilty or to insinuate that you aren't doing the best that you can for your children. I'm telling you this hoping that you can see that although your intentions are very honorable and unselfish, they may not be as healthy for your children as you had hoped.

Turning Around A Loveless Marriage: If you've found this article, it's highly likely that you and your spouse have gotten into the habit of going through the motions and forgoing intimacy. This is a habit that can be broken, just like any other. But, one of you must make the first move. Since you care enough to research this topic, let that person be you. You may feel quite vulnerable and hesitant to be the one to initiate this, but it's better than just hoping that things will get better without being proactive.

You really have two options here. You can be honest with your spouse, sit them down, and explain that you are troubled by the lack of intimacy in your marriage and want to work with them to change things. Try to make this sound like something that is going to be mutually beneficial and fun, not something that is going to require a lot of "work." You're really trying to get to a place where the two of you can have fun and be upbeat together so try to keep the conversation on this same keel.

The other option that you have is to just begin by changing your own actions. Maybe you don't want to lay your cards on the table yet, but you'd like to start to making some changes with what you can control - yourself. So, you'll be the one to start initiating more intimate gestures. Start small at first. Shoot for loving glances, spontaneous laughter, or the brush of a hand or shoulder. Don't put too much pressure on yourself and move slowly. But, over time, your goal is to slowly improve things so that physical touch and emotional closeness don't feel so foreign and awkward.

Finding Your Own Happiness: While your making these small changes in your marriage, it's important to look at yourself and your own fulfillment and happiness. In short, you can't give what you do not have. You can not be lighthearted and playful with your partner if you're depressed or not fulfilled within your own heart. I often find that if people focus on what makes them happy as an individual (without judging if this is right or wrong), then becoming happy as a couple falls into place more easily. You're more open to receiving pleasure and give and take because you've learned to take responsibility for and to participate in your own happiness. In other words, you don't need for your spouse to provide this for you, but you want them to share this with you and you set it up to make this so.

Staying in a Loveless Marriage - Tips and Advice That May Help

It was my husband, not me, who felt that our marriage was "loveless," so he threatened to end it. I knew that it wasn't over for me and I refused to give up. But, for a long time I drew on negative emotions rather than positive ones. This seriously backfired. Thankfully, I realized my tactics were not working and changed course. Eventually, I was able to not only restore my husband's love, but to change the dynamics of our marriage. You can read my very personal story on my blog at

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Seven Problems That Mars Causes and Five Steps to Get Rid of These

It is quite likely that in any horoscope one or more planets will be placed in houses where they do not give favorable results. The degree of the adverse results will depend upon the strength of a planet and the houses owned by it. In this article we shall take a look at Mars and discuss appropriate remedial measures.



In Vedic astrology Mars is a remarkable planet in as much as that it is the only planet that never really becomes 'Neech' (Loses his capacity to give beneficial results). This may sound strange because we know that Cancer happens to be the sign where Mars becomes Neech at 28 degrees. However when in Cancer, Mars is fourth from his Mool Trikon Rashi (primary sign) Aries and ninth from his other Rashi Scorpio. This is peculiar to Mars alone and doesn't happen with any other planet. It is for this reason that for Cancer Lagna (ascendant) Mars remains a Yoga Karak (very beneficial planet) even when he is placed in Lagna in a Neech state.

Seven Problems That Mars Causes and Five Steps to Get Rid of These

Astrologically Mars is called Bhumi Putra in Sanskrit. This was a mystery to most people until modern science came up with the theory that Mars indeed broke off from earth when it collided with another heavenly body and the matter hived off into space became the genesis of Moon and Mars.

Significations of Mars

Mars signifies younger brother, blood, red color, base and rotten things, military activities, commerce, air journeys, cloth weaving and public speaking. Intellectually he is the significator of logical and deductive thinking. Mars also signifies real estate in the form of buildings. (Undeveloped land comes under Saturn). He also represents independence, persistence and youthful age.

Mars is masculine and malefic and rules over fire places, boilers, furnaces, urinary system, enemies, wounds, organizing capacity, executive ability, leadership over laborers and police department.

Materials governed by him are copper, metals, mines, minerals and ores, gold fields, coral, weapons, lands and tobacco.

Diseases caused by Mars are rupture of veins and arteries, diseases of the bone marrow, hemorrhage, abortions, menstrual disorders, gonorrhea, rheumatism, cuts, burns and muscle atrophy all come under Mars.

Mars is a Kshatriya (Warrior) by caste, is of Masculine sex and rules over southern Direction.(it is for this reason that in Vastu Shastra (Hindu architecture) all heat producing implements like HVAC and kitchen are best sited in the south or southwest direction.)

Weakness of Mars

Under certain circumstances Mars loses his power to give favorable results. This can happen when Mars is combust or very close to Sun. In this state, Mars is said to be set. The Sanskrit term for this is Ast.

When conjunct with his arch enemies Saturn and Rahu, Mars tends to give bad results. A similar thing happens when he is placed in 6, 8 and 12 houses.

Whatever the reason, weakness of Mars will create problems in all areas represented by him to some extent. Increasing affliction being responsible for increasing distress.

Individual cases

Mars represents violence and blood spilling. When Mars is intimately connected to Ascendant and Ascendant lord, he makes one very violent. Moon represents mind, and Moon-Mars combination makes one mentally cruel. The fourth house and fourth lord also represent mind. If all factors or a majority of them occur in a chart, the person is definitely cruel and violent and will not hesitate to take a life to further his objectives.

For Aries ascendant, Mars becomes the Lagna and the eighth Lord. Both are houses of longevity. If such a Mars is associated with Rahu and Saturn, the life span suffers. The remedy will involve wearing a blood red Coral in a silver ring on the ring finger of the right hand and propitiation of the Rahu and Saturn through Mantra, Stotra fasting and donation.

For Aries ascendant, If Mars is placed in the fourth house, he generates the possibility of chest disease and loss of money. Happiness also takes a hit. Coral set in a silver ring helps.

For Scorpio ascendant, if Moon occupies it, Mars becomes a confirmed representative of blood because Moon herself represents blood. If Mars is then influenced by Rahu and Saturn, it is certain that blood and its flow will be adversely affected. A person with this combination can suffer from leukemia and similar diseases. If Mars is placed in the eighth house, there may be danger to life. The remedy will involve a red colored coral set in a silver ring and worn on the ring finger of right hand. This will take care of the weakness of Mars. The complications caused by Rahu and Saturn can be removed by mantra, fasting and donation.

Mars and disease

If Mars as Lagna Lord is placed in 6,8 or 12 houses, is influenced by Rahu and Saturn, and is not influenced by a benefic planet like Jupiter, full Moon or well associate Mercury, then there exists a strong possibility for muscle atrophy. The remedy as always is a coral ring.

Mars and children

If Mars and/or Ketu aspect the fifth house as well as the fifth lord and significator for sons, Jupiter also comes under this influence, there is usually a problem connected to children. Either they are not there or their life is threatened. It must be remembered that Mars in the fifth house in Aries or Scorpio is not an insurance against what is mentioned above. Mars in the fifth house does not give favorable results. The remedy in this case would be to strengthen the fifth lord by wearing the gemstone connected to him. Mars in this case needs to be pacified through mantra, Stotra, fasting and donation.

If Aries or Scorpio Mars is in the fifth house, and Jupiter is afflicted, it will not be advisable to wear a Topaz to strengthen Jupiter. In such a case Mantra, fasting and donation will be needed for Jupiter also.

There is one positive result of the influence of Mars on the fifth house. Mars is the significator of constructive thought and deductive thinking. Fifth house amongst other things, is the house of ability to give sound advice. The combined result of the two makes one a successful consultant.

Mars marriage - Manglik, Mangal or Kuja Dosh

The seventh house deals with male-female relationships, and in the Indian context, with marriage. For a marriage to be successful; the seventh house and its lord should be strong. Significators for marriage - Jupiter for females and Venus for males should also be strong. Any weakness in any one of four factors will reduce Marital happiness

Mars as we all know is a potent Marak (killer) and kills quickly. There is no lingering death where Mars is involved. If the four factors mentioned above come under the influence of Mars it is quite likely that marriage will be cut short due to sudden death of one of the partners.

Mangal Dosh is a flaw which occurs when Mars occupies 1,4,7,8, 12 in a horoscope. Some astrologers also include second house in this list.

Mars aspects the fourth, seventh and eighth house from where he is placed. When placed in Lagna, he aspects the seventh through his seventh aspect. Fourth house Mars harms the seventh house through his fourth aspect. In the seventh house the damage is done by the very placement of Mars. The eighth house aspect falls on the second house. Mars when placed in the eighth house aspects the second house which is the house of longevity of the life partner and shortens his/her life span. In the case of twelfth house the eighth house aspect falls on the seventh house.

When Mars falls in any one of the houses mentioned above, one needs to be very careful in matching charts of two people. Any carelessness can cost the couple dearly.

Exceptions and exemptions to Mangal Dosh

If the seventh lord and the significator for seventh house (either Jupiter or Venus) are strong, Mangal Dosh loses its sting.

If Mars is placed in the second house in his own house - Aries or Scorpio - then too the Dosh is cancelled as Mars actually strengthens the house of marriage. Association and aspect of Saturn weakens Mars and cancels Manglik Dosh. Another factor that cancels this Dosh is an extremely high matching of charts in the Asht Koot system (eight fold compatibility), the seventh lord however should be strong.

What one should not do in the case of Manglik Dosh

One must never wear a Coral under any circumstance. This will reinforce Mars and actually increase the extent of the problem. The remedy lies in propitiation of Mars through Mantra, fasting and donation and reinforcing the seventh house lord through the appropriate gemstone.

Taurus Ascendant and Mars

For Taurus Ascendant Mars becomes neutral as he owns the twelfth and seventh houses and gives the results only of the seventh house. Mars loses his malefic nature by virtue of the ownership of a Kendra. If therefore Mars happens to be weak, it is perfectly fine to wear a coral set in silver ring to strengthen marital prospects and health of the partner.

Mars and brother in law

Mars represents younger brother. In the case of Leo Ascendant Mars becomes the ninth lord which happens to be the third house from seventh, and represents wife's younger brother. If Mars is well placed and associated with planets friendly to him like Sun and Jupiter, brother in law becomes instrumental in bringing financial gains. This is even otherwise appropriate as Mars becomes Yoga Karak planet for Leo Ascendant. This is true for women also.

Remedies for Mars

Daily chanting of Rudra Sookt removes complications generated by Mars.

Another certain remedy is daily recital of Hanuman Chalisa and Ram Stuti.

Bhairav Mantra given below is also very helpful.


I mentioned earlier that Mars's aspect on the fifth house does not allow easy conception and delivery. To get over this problem one must get hold of Shri Surya Uvaach and do the following.

If despite being no problems with the reproductive system, a pregnancy fails to occur, the woman desiring conception should wait for her menstruation period to end, and on that day at the time of sunset, after a shower wear clean clothes. She should hold a tumbler (preferably copper) of water in her hands and chant the Shri Surya Uvaach Stotra seven times while facing the setting Sun. She should then drink that energized water. A pregnancy will occur after a while. This process should continue even after pregnancy and childbirth for a year. This puts a shield around the mother and child that saves them from all harm.

Remedy for Manglik Dosh

If the affliction to the seventh house, its lord and Jupiter in a girl's horoscope is severe, one can safely assume that the marriage is heading towards widowhood. In such cases it is advised that the girl be first married to Lord Vishnu or to Varun. This is a real marriage and is conducted with complete Vedic rituals. A pitcher of water represents Varun the God of water. This removes the obstacles caused by Mars and leads to marital happiness.

Mangal Chandika Stotra

Mangal Chandika Dhyan, Mantra and Stuti are mentioned in Bramhavaivarta Puran, under Narayan Naradiya. If a girl has Manglik Dosh in her chart, she should chant the Dhyan Mantra and then offer red flowers and two fruits to the Goddess.

Follow by chanting this mantra 108 times.


After this is done the main Stuti should be chanted. The complete chant is available in the form of a booklet and can be had from most bookstores near major temples.

Mars can be pacified by adding red sandal wood to the bath water or by adding leaves and/or fruit of Bel tree.




Blood red Coral or white Coral


Copper pot, wheat, Masoor Dal, red flowers and Ghee.

Day of fasting


To a western mind most of the things mentioned above may appear strange and unbelievable. This is because it is completely immersed in the material aspect of this world and firmly believes that, what can not be felt does not exist.

This mindset fails to comprehend that our eyes respond to a very small spectrum of total energy that bathes this universe. Every planet has an energy signature which is unique to it. These radiations though subtle have a deep and long lasting impact on our body. This world is not what it appears to be.

The proof of the pudding as the saying goes, lies in its eating. Astrology exists, remedies exist and they have a very sound and logical underpinning. Any one who has a hard time believing that should experience a reading from an expert astrologer. That should do the trick.

Seven Problems That Mars Causes and Five Steps to Get Rid of These

Rajiv Sethi


My website

I can also be reached at 011-91-9899589211

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Friday, June 8, 2012

A Simple Shortcut To Teach Your Dog To Walk On A Lead

Teaching your dog to walk on a leash is crucial to his and your safety particularly if he's a big dog. Even walking small dogs that have the propensity to pull their owners could be a jeopardy and an awkward occurrence.

A basic rule is that dogs should never be allowed to break away at will, they should be on a lead at all times unless they're with you in a secure and safe place.


Dogs need to learn to walk on a leash without pulling your arm out of its joint, and without choking themselves.

A Simple Shortcut To Teach Your Dog To Walk On A Lead

As in all additional training methods, begin inside. If you've never put a collar on your dog, first you want to lay the collar on the floor and let the dog to smell it. Don't permit him to play with it or bite it.

The following step you'd require to do is to place the collar around the dog's neck. Make sure the collar fits closely, but that's not too tight that would choke your dog. The rule of thumb is that you do not want to be able to put more than two finger breadths between the collar and your dog's neck. You'll have to find the proper fit for your dog.

Irrespective of how large your dog will get in the near future, don't purchase him a leash or collar that is too heavy, and don't get a collar for a small pup when you have a puppy that already weighs 25 pounds at twelve weeks old, use common sense when fitting the collar.
Remember that you little puppy will grow and the collar that you buy when he is 12 weeks might not fit him when he turns 6 months. Consider buying an adjustable dog collar, that will give you flexibility of adjusting the size of the collar as the puppy grows. On the other hand, do not buy a very big collar for a smaller dog, thinking to use it when the dog grows up, if the collar does not fit right when the puppy is little. You do not want your little puppy to get loose from his collar, and this is a common incident that could be dangerous for the puppy, especially if he's still not trained in the wait or come command.

Then, you might want to attach the lead to his collar and allow him to drag it around for a while, make sure that the leash doesn't get tangled up in something, like a peace of furniture, since this could potentially hurt your dog.

Don't leave him unattended during this time. At least allow him to smell and become acquainted the lead. Once again, make certain that the collar and leash are comfortable and fit properly.

With the dog on your left side, hold the lead and reward in your right hand, use your left hand to hold the slack in the lead. Get his attention and give him the "sit" command. As you walk, start off with your left foot, as he walks alongside you; give him the "heel" command.

If he attempts to pull forward, gently pull back on the lead. After the dog has come back to you, or has stopped pulling, allow him to start walking again. Every time he pulls forward, you need to gently, but firmly pull on the opposite direction. What this would do, is to teach your dog that as soon as he continues pulling, he's going nowhere.

In retrospect, love and patience teaches love and patience, these are both things we want our dogs to know. Dog training is the basis for a dog that everyone enjoys being around, and becomes a happy and healthy dog.

A Simple Shortcut To Teach Your Dog To Walk On A Lead

Increase the happy years of your dog by checking out my free e-book. In it I reveal all the secrets I've used to develop a happy, healthier dog. Visit Dr. Alfonso's dog training blog right now...

Increase the happy years of your dog by checking out my free e-book. In it I reveal all the secrets I've used to develop a happy, healthier dog. Visit Dr. Alfonso's dog training blog [] right now...

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Colors: How Do They Make You Feel?

One of the most important colors in advertising is the color blue. Calm, comforting, soothing, and peaceful are all feelings evoked from this color. The color blue is also often used in a smooth way, many night clubs and upscale stores will use this color to provide a sense of an icy ambiance and a cool feeling. When you touch blue you can feel the calmness yet smooth and cool feeling that it gives. Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. This color is also the color of water when advertisers want to place a visual for something that is technically clear. Pepsi, Aquafina, and several other drink makers rely heavily on this color for their advertising. This color can also be used to promote cleanliness as well as air and sky related products. Blue is also often used in high-tech product companies such as IBM and INTEL.

One of the important things to remember as an advertiser, avoid blue when promoting anything related to food - this is because blue actually suppresses the appetite. However, when used in conjunction with warmer colors such as red, or yellow, this combination creates a vibrant a high impact advertisement. Several variations in the shade of blue also have separate meanings. Light blue can be easily associated with the power of healing, understanding and health of ones body. In contrast, dark blue is often representative of seriousness, integrity, power and knowledge. The basic color blue is also representative of success and is often used side by side with the color green, even though they are next to each other on the color wheel, they are a good complementary mix when related to money and success.


Colors: How Do They Make You Feel?
Colors: How Do They Make You Feel?

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Happiness - 10 Characteristics of Happy People

Have you ever noticed how happy people seem to have certain characteristics in common? They seem to smile all of the time and they seem to have positive attitudes. I have listed 10 characteristics of happy people. You should go over this list and see if you share any of the same characteristics. If you do not, then you can use this list as a guide to help you to work towards being a happy person.

1. Avoid Negative People: Have you ever noticed how happy people always seem to flock together? You will not find people who are happy hanging around people who are grumpy, complainers or who are hot headed because they know that negative people will attempt to kill their spirits.


2. Positive Attitude: You can spot a high-spirited person a mile away based on their attitude. A person who is jolly is confident about their abilities, they smile a lot and they always have something nice to say.

Happiness - 10 Characteristics of Happy People

3.Have a Plan: The people who are the happiest are the people who have a plan in life. Jubilant people know where they are going in life, they are focused, they have goals and they are living their life with a purpose.

4. Don't sweat the small stuff: People who are cheerful understand that certain things in life they can not change and instead of trying to change what they can not, they concentrate on the things that they can change.

5. Flexible: The happiest people in life are the people who understands that things are not always going to go as planned. When a situation occurs and they have to change their schedule, they do not get all bent out of shape. Instead they go with the flow.

6. See the Good in Everybody: It is a fact that each individual has good traits about themselves as well as bad traits. Happy people have learned to focus on the good traits in others and not the bad ones.

7. Laugh Often: Elated people do not take life so serious, they have learned the art of laughter. You will also find that happy people watch a lot of comedy and enjoy hearing a good joke.

8.Love the Skin That You Are In: Merry individuals love their bodies and they love themselves. People who are happy realize that they cannot truly love others until they first love themselves.

9. Take Time Out For Yourself:The happiest people live a balanced life. They work but they also make sure that they take time out to spend quality time with their family and their friends.

10.Relationship With a Higher Power: It appears that people who are the happiest hold their actions accountable to a Higher Power. Joyful people have a relationship with their Higher Power and they live their lives based on high values and morals.

Happiness - 10 Characteristics of Happy People

Antionette Tate M.Div, is a Inner Peace Expert who enjoys helping people to discover how to maintain their Inner Peace and how to live their life full joy. For more tips, she invites you to visit her blog "Inner Peace and Joy: Tips to Help You Maintain Inner Peace and Joy Daily"

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